Empowering Your Future

Welcome to Empowered Gems Tarot, where spirituality meets practicality. My name is Melissa, and my tarot services are designed to provide you with grounded insights and actionable guidance. Whether you’re seeking clarity in relationships, career, or personal growth I approach each reading with a focus on real-world application.

Balancing Practicality with Spirituality

My readings are a balance of practical and spiritual. My approach to tarot is to delve into any spiritual themes or insights and deliver the message in a practical, actionable manner.

My Approach

Empowering & Collaborative

By taking a practical approach, the goal is for my clients to leave a reading feeling empowered to take inspired action that moves them forward. I will assist clients with formulating empowering questions as needed, to ensure that they receive the best reading experience.


  • Tarot is a tool that can be used for self-reflection or for divination. Tarot allows you to connect to and strengthen your intuition. Using tarot can provide deeper insight and clarity into various questions or life situations.

  • Some people like to use tarot for future prediction. In my experience, this is how it works. Tarot reads the energy of the CURRENT moment and can assess where things may be headed based on where we are in the present.  However, the future is not always set in stone because it is created by our actions in the present.  This means that the accuracy of predictive style readings can vary. Because of this, I do not perform “prediction” readings beyond 1-3 months.

  • Tarot can answer all types of questions! Here are some examples of the most common questions that I receive from clients:

    • What should I know about my love life?

    • What do I need to know about my relationship with a specific person?

    • What do I need to know about my current career situation?

    • What can I do to attract the type of romantic partner I desire?

    • What internal blocks are standing in my way with regard to this situation?

    It's important to note that I do not provide readings on legal, financial, or health related matters. I also do not perform "psychic" readings, meaning I cannot see specific names, dates, time frames, physical appearances or locations.

  • You will get the most out of a tarot reading when you phrase your question in an empowering way. 

    For example, instead of asking: "When will I get into a relationship?" Ask, "What steps can I take to attract the type of romantic partnership that I seek?"

    Phrasing your question in this way gives you the power and tools to create what you desire, vs. waiting for it to come.

  • Yes!

    You can reach me at info@empoweredgemstarot.com

    Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about booking. I can also consult with you before you book to assist you in formulating your questions. Please allow 24-48 hours for responses.